International trade
Business without international trade cannot be imagined nowadays. Since Lithuania is a Member State of the European Union, majority of issues related to international trade are regulated by EU legislation, and international treaties, national law of other states and judicial practice of national and international courts also play an important role in international trade. With so many different business rules, sometimes essentially different regulation, clients find it highly difficult in arranging cooperation with foreign partners in the right and careful manner. We frequently notice that the desire of business entities to document agreements achieved with partners as soon as possible and to start cooperating overshadow and place the need of careful and diligent assessment of potential risks and their discussion in agreements with partners into the last place. It frequently provokes making of significant mistakes, failure to stipulate important clauses. Abusing such circumstances, fraudulent partners can cause huge losses for your business.
Our law firm will help you to document your cooperation relations with partners in the right and proper manner, will ensure elimination of any legal defects. Proper documentation of contractual relations will allow you to avoid disagreements and conflicts in fulfilment of signed agreements, and if any disagreements arise – they will be settled effectively and promptly.
Lawyers of our firm prepared typical goods supply agreements for Maristika UAB, under which the company successfully supplies goods to its clients. Besides, Maristika UAB and other clients use agreements prepared by our lawyers on establishment of additional payment terms and debt spread, which ensure a possibility to recover debts from clients with financial difficulties and to recover debt smoothly when debtors breach strict duty fulfilment requirements. Our lawyers also prepared joint activity and distribution agreement for US company Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide, under which the client with business partners manufacture and distribute optical devices in majority of global markets, distribution agreement for Vitagra UAB and other clients, implementation of which help the clients to evade conflicts or disputes with business partners.