Debt collection in foreign countries
You have a debtor in a foreign country? Has your debtor moved to the other country? Our lawyers will help you to collect debts in the European Union Member States, Norway, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and elsewhere. We will represent you in recognition of decisions of Lithuanian courts in other countries, provide bailiffs and other authorised officers working in those countries with documents for enforcement and exert all necessary actions to ensure quick collection of debt in your favour. Our Law Firm has long-standing experience in securing recognition and enforcement of Lithuanian court decisions in Sweden, Slovakia, Great Britain, Latvia, Estonia, Germany and other European Union Member States, and in Norway, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.
We urge our clients to try all possible ways of debt collection even in the cases, when at first glimpse recovery of debt seems hopeless. With our lawyers leading the case, the court ordered the founder of a foreign company bankrupt and deregistered, Lithuanian national, to repay debt in favour of our client. The court established the obligation of the Lithuanian national to repay the debt of the foreign company for acquired goods and his responsibility for insolvency of the foreign company. In such cases, a client can collect adjudged debt from personal funds and property of the founder of a foreign company, insolvency or bankruptcy of a foreign company is of no importance for debt collection. Through mediation of the lawyers of our company, bailiffs from Sweden, Slovakia, and Great Britain collected debts from debtors, despite our clients being convinced about absence of any property of debtors. Therefore, before considering all chances of debt recovery, we do not recommend to our clients forgiving debts to unfair debtors.